9 Points to Include in Your Company Policies Checklist for New Hires

9 Points to Include in Your Company Policies Checklist for New Hires

What is a company policies checklist and why is it important?

Onboarding new hires properly is important for the success of the company. A good onboarding experience sets the tone for incoming employees and gives them the impression that they are being set up for success. You can make this easier by creating a company policies checklist for new hires. That way, you’re sure that you won’t miss anything when discussing rules and regulations. Plus, you give your new hire time to process the information and ask questions.

You should have a checklist to make sure that you don’t miss any important rule that a new employee needs to remember. Since you’ll be onboarding more than one new employee, it will be helpful to have a template to go back to each time. The checklist will streamline the process and make it more organised. It also ensures that you don’t miss anything important when you’re explaining company policies.

What to include in a policies onboarding checklist for new hires?

You can customise or change your checklist based on what you need. These are some of the common items that you should include for discussion:

  • Compensation and benefits. Include various points such as:

    • When the employee can expect to receive their salary

    • How the employee will receive the salary

    • Terms for overtime pay or holiday pay

    • Performance bonuses

    • Commissions

    • Allowances and reimbursements – briefly discuss how to file for these and the deadlines if applicable

  • Employee leaves. Discuss the following:

    • Paid time-off

    • Sick leaves

    • Maternity/paternity leave

    • Compassionate leave

  • Performance review. Go through the review process and make sure to include:

    • Goal setting and learning plan process including needed documents

    • Performance review schedules

    • Method of performance review discussions

  • Workplace rules. Share the following:

    • Daily schedules. If you work remotely, discuss what time employees are expected to be online.

    • Breaks

    • Workplace assignments

  • Organisation chart

  • Learning and growth opportunities

  • Confidentiality regulations

  • Disciplinary actions for violations

  • Travel policies

Example of a company policies checklist

Here is a sample flow of how you can go through your checklist:

  1. Discuss compensation and benefits.

  2. Go through leaves available and the involved policies.

  3. Explain the performance review process and frequency of review.

  4. Run down the list of the most important rules and regulations to remember. Include rules on confidentiality, disciplinary actions, and travel policies here.

  5. Show the organisation chart.

  6. Discuss growth and learning opportunities and how to avail of them.

Here is a checklist you can copy into a blank document and print for easy reference:

  • Compensation and benefits:

    • When the employee can expect to receive their salary

    • How the employee will receive the salary

    • Terms for overtime pay or holiday pay

    • Performance bonuses

    • Commissions

    • Allowances and reimbursements

  • Employee leaves:

    • Paid time-off

    • Sick leaves

    • Maternity/paternity leave

    • Compassionate leave

  • Performance review:

    • Goal setting and learning plan process including needed documents

    • Performance review schedules

    • Method of performance review discussions

  • Workplace rules:

    • Daily schedules

    • Breaks

    • Workplace assignments

  • Organisation chart

  • Learning and growth opportunities

  • Confidentiality regulations

  • Disciplinary actions for violations

  • Travel policies


Having a Company Policies Checklist for new hires will make onboarding easier because you’ll be following a template that will only change as needed. Use a checklist to ensure that you cover all the necessary information that a new hire needs to know. You will not only make them feel welcomed, but you will also set them up for success with complete compliance with company policy. Done with the checklist? Make sure your new hire is ready for their training.

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