Hiring Advice Attracting candidates How to Source the Best Talent Like a Pro for Your Business
How to Source the Best Talent Like a Pro for Your Business

How to Source the Best Talent Like a Pro for Your Business

With the best talent in the market as abundant and yet as elusive as ever, it’s important that your talent sourcing strategy is designed to attract the right type of candidate specifically.

With the various methods for talent sourcing available to HR practitioners, it’s up to each company to decide which methods will form their individual talent sourcing strategy. Depending on the company, the most effective strategy will vary in order to attract the best talents for their own business.

Why HR should consider the integrated sourcing strategy

When it comes to finding the best talent for your business, you definitely want to approach your recruitment strategy from multiple angles. Why depend on resumes sent in to find the best talent when in this day and age you can now actively seek them out?

In today’s digital world, there are a myriad of ways for employers to connect with eager, talented candidates. It’s just about crafting the perfect talent sourcing strategy by combining the most suitable methods which suit your company and industry.

4 methods for talent sourcing

1. Social media

This is arguably the most crucial method for companies to get onboard in sourcing new talent. Failing to create a social media presence for your company is forfeiting a huge portion of that talent market for your business.


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube are getting more traction than ever from talents who spend a huge proportion of their time on these channels. Staffing pros are aware of this and are using creative ways to reach out via recruitment marketing to potential candidates who use these social media channels.

2. Referrals

Malaysian employers are still very much reliant on referrals, especially from previous successful candidate placements. It’s no wonder why, as there are major benefits to word-of-mouth referrals.

Candidates who have already been placed in a company and have had a good experience with onboarding will be more likely to recommend your company to other job-seekers. They are also more likely to be aware of what is required of the role available and whether their recommended candidates are likely to be competent.

3. Talent sourcing software

With technology now at our fingertips, it’s crucial to make the most of recruitment or hiring softwares available to source talent more effectively. The main consideration when choosing a talent sourcing software is relevancy of candidates for specific roles.

Using search syntax and filtering tools, Jobstreet’s Talent Search is one such tool which displays relevant candidate options based on a particular role. The candidates are displayed in information cards and provide information on the candidate’s current and past work experiences.

With this you’ll have a steady flow of relevant candidates recommended to you based on their relevancy on the role. However, because these candidates have not yet actively applied for the role, recruiters will need to use their own persuasion skills in order to communicate the open position to selected Talent Search candidates.

4. Industry-specific meetups

While recruitment networking events where candidates and jobseekers meet can be effective, the trouble recruiters have at these events is specificity. Attending events which are industry-specific or subject matter-specific can help to narrow down your search for talents in a particular field.

Benefits of multiple-approach or integrated talent sourcing strategy

Sourcing talent using just a single approach not only alienates a huge portion of talent who search for jobs using a different channel. It also pigeonholes the type of talent you hire, as different demographics of talents may be searching for jobs through various channels and mediums.

For example, a younger demographic may consider Instagram or Twitter to be a legitimate place to keep an eye out for open positions.

By approaching your talent sourcing strategy from multiple fronts, you will have a more holistic and well-developed mechanism in place for securing quality new talents. Once a strategy with multiple methods is accepted and aligned for HR, the sourcing process will become much more streamlined and efficient.

Ultimately, for a long term talent sourcing strategy, it boils down to an attractive employee value proposition. When talents are aware of your company’s vision and feel that your company has something attractive or valuable to offer their career growth, sourcing for the best candidates will be a lot simpler.

For more articles on employee value proposition, talent sourcing and all things recruitment, visit Jobstreet’s Insight page for more articles.

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