Hiring Advice Hiring process 6 Reasons Why You Should Hire for Attitude Over Skills
6 Reasons Why You Should Hire for Attitude Over Skills

6 Reasons Why You Should Hire for Attitude Over Skills

There are two types of job seekers who will show off their strengths during the recruitment process. One has excellent hard skills and experiences; another has remarkable soft skills and values that align with the company culture. Deciding between the two is a tough call, but it is the HR manager's duty to carefully decide on who will perfectly fit the organisation. 

Take a look at why organisations are now putting more value on a job seeker’s work attitude rather than performance alone. 

1. Job demands are evolving

Over the last decade, more jobs were created to meet the growing demands of the community. With this, many skill sets are not as relevant now as they were before. You want employees who are capable of adapting to change and open to upskilling opportunities that will make them more competitive in the workplace. 

2. Work attitude is difficult to change

Compared to technical skills, a positive attitude is a lot harder to teach. This is why prioritising someone who already possesses the ideal personality will be better for your organisation. If a job seeker lacks certain hard skills, they can eventually attend short courses that would help them develop what they need. Employees can also improve or learn through workshops provided by the company.  

3. Companies value the power of networking

Job seekers who know how to connect with the right group of people will have an easier time landing their dream job. If they have been referred to by people whom you trust and have worked with in the past, you would be more assured that they are suitable for the role they are applying for.

4. Work attitude can be assessed in different situations

How do you measure work attitude? Check how a job seeker communicates with you during an interview. Include interview questions about handling certain work situations that require more than technical skills. 

For example, you can give a scenario of how employers are now being challenged in managing a remote workforce. A job seeker can talk about their adaptability when it comes to shifting from an office-based to a home based work arrangement. 

Your discussion can also focus on their communication skills and how they managed to keep their team motivated and engaged while working from home. Listen attentively and determine how their past experiences would apply if they work with you in the future. 

5. Hiring for attitude reduces the possibility of cultural misfit

Companies are now asking department heads and staff to participate in the interview process so that everyone can assess whether a job seeker is fit for the position and their team. Some companies even let job seekers experience the actual environment of working with their team.

If employees share the same ideas, values and goals, they are proven to feel happier and more satisfied with their jobs.

6. Positivity is contagious

Work is work; but at the end of the day, you want someone who has a positive mindset and finds joy in what they do. Try to bring in a job seeker who knows how to work smart and have fun at the same time. Handling deadlines for major projects or big events is stressful, but an employee who can work under pressure and make the stress manageable for everyone is definitely an asset to the team.

Companies have realised that technical skills can be mastered over time. Acquiring a good-fitting talent with the right work attitude should be your priority — do not focus on technical skills alone. 

Be straightforward and add the qualities you are looking for in your company’s job postings. Visit Jobstreet today and access the largest job seeker database in Southeast Asia on Talent Search

Our talent sourcing solutions use machine learning and Big Data for a seamless talent acquisition process to find the perfect talent for your organisation. 

For more tips on how to hire and attract job seekers, visit our Jobs and Resource Hub. To gain knowledge about what attracts Malaysian job seekers across 25 industries, check out our Laws of Attraction portal. 

At Jobstreet, we believe in bringing you #JobsThatMatter. As a Career Partner, we are committed to helping all jobseekers find passion and purpose in every career choice. And as the number 1 Talent Partner in Asia, we connect employers with the right candidates who truly make a positive and lasting impact on the organisation

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